We’ve been married for 15 years and have worked together for 8, so we know the score. We know weddings like the back of our hands and we LOVE them. Mainly, because we love the people. 

Sam & Yaz

about us

(Short for Samuel & Yasmin)

our wedding team grows by two!


we shot our first wedding video


we shot our first wedding together


we became parents 


we get married!


we met at a beach in the UK 


Our life story: 


Yaz is head of photo
 (well, head of everything really) She has been a professional photographer since the age of 19. She has 12 years experience photographing weddings and theres nothing she hasn’t seen! Yaz will be your no.1 hype girl, problem solver, and all-round paparazzi on the day. 


Sam is the head of video, he will be your silent stalker for the day. He won’t say much, that's because he’s an introvert but also because he’s busy making magic in the camera. Video is his jam, he is there to create a cinematic masterpiece by documenting the main events of your day. 

Meet your wedding dream-team:



what it's like working with us →

Wedding photography and videography team, based in Hampshire UK

- Charlotte & Calvin

“Thank you so much for our gorgeous photos they are beautiful honestly, you guys have done an amazing job and they are fantastic and so beautifully captured -
Thank you again for working with us on our special day and being fantastic .”

“They are fantastic and so beautifully captured.”